ホーム > 企業情報 > お知らせ・報道発表 > 『東日本大震災における復旧活動の軌跡(英語版)』の発行について




NTT East published a booklet "Recovering from the Great East Japan Earthquake NTT East's Endeavors", that outlines the support activities of the NTT Group following the Great East Japan Earthquake.

1.本冊子の主な内容 Main Topics

  1. 東日本大震災による通信設備等の被害状況について
    How NTT East’s networks were affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake
  2. 震災発生後の当社の初動活動について
    Responding to the greatest natural disaster that Japan has ever suffered
    Early response:Efforts to identify extent of damage and secure communications
  3. 震災発生後の当社の応急復旧活動について
    Responding to the greatest natural disaster that Japan has ever suffered
    Stopgap measures:Efforts for the early restoration of communications
  4. 福島原発エリアでの通信ビルの復旧について
    Fulfilling the NTT Group’s mission Restoring exchange buildings in the Fukushima nuclear power plant area
  5. 被災者の皆さまへの支援について
    Working with and for the local community as a trusted partner Providing assistance to disaster victims
  6. 通信の信頼性向上に向けた本格復旧等の取り組みについて
    Preparing for future contingencies Ensuring even greater safety and security

2.ホームページ掲載 Our Website

You can find the booklet on our website at: