Attachment: Charges for the Fixed-Line to IP Telephone Service

The below charges are uniform regardless of time of day or day of week.

A. Calls from Fixed Lines
Charges for a three-minute call to a customer using the IP telephone service of one of the following carriers are as below. (Charges do not include consumption tax.)

A. Calls from Fixed Lines

B. Calls from Public Telephones
Call duration for 10 yen (including consumption tax) to a customer using the IP telephone service of one of the following carriers are as below.

B. Calls from Public Telephones

* The carrier ID code corresponds to the four middle digits of the telephone number (i.e., the numbers corresponding to "CDEF" of the telephone number 050-CDEF-GHJK). Please note, however, that the IP telephone carrier of the party being called and the carrier that connects with NTT East may differ.
