News Release

October 9, 2003

Provision of Fixed-Line to IP Telephone Service

NTT East Corporation (NTT East) is planning to launch a new service to provide a connection from fixed-line and public telephones to IP telephones (numbers starting with 050). NTT East today notified the Minister of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications of the charges for this new service designed to enhance customer convenience.

1. Service Overview
The service enables customers to call IP telephones (numbers starting with 050) from subscriber lines, INS, public phones, and other fixed-line telephones by connecting NTT East's fixed-line network with IP telephone carriers' networks. 050 numbers started being assigned to IP telephones in September 2002.

NTT East has set end-to-end call charges, which include the telecommunications service provided by the IP telephone carriers.

2. Charges
Charges are as listed in the attachment. NTT East plans to inform customers of the charges via its Japanese-language newsletter (Hello Information) which is enclosed with customer telephone bills.

3. Start of Service Provision
Thursday, October 23, 2003

4. Provision Area
Entire NTT East service area
(No application procedures are required of customers to use this service.)

5. Customer Inquiries
(Calls accepted from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays, except for holidays and from December 29 to January 3)

- Attachment: Charges for the Fixed-Line to IP Telephone Service
- Reference:

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