News Release

February 20, 2003

Wide-Area FLET'S Service to Start

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation (NTT East) through its FLET'S Series of broadband IP network services offers Internet access, corporate communications services, content delivery, video communications, and a variety of other services.
In order to meet increasingly diverse requirements for advanced information technology and broadband communications, NTT East will soon be offering wide-area (inter-prefecture) access to the FLET'S regional IP networks, as detailed below, and has today made the necessary application and notification to the Minister of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications.

1. Service Description
Access to the regional IP networks currently deployed in individual prefectures is to be expanded across the entire NTT East service area, making available inter-prefecture FLET'S services as described below.
Wide-area introduction is to start in greater Tokyo area (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, and Saitama Prefectures) in March 2003, then be expanded throughout the service area early in fiscal 2003.

(1) Provision of FLET'SOffice Wide
Whereas the existing FLET'SOffice service is limited to communications inside the same prefecture, the new FLET'SOffice Wide service offers communications across prefectures. Customers will be able to use this service for implementing economical corporate networks that extend over a wide area. (See Attachment 1 for the provision conditions.)

(2) Wide-area provision of FLET'SGroup Access service
For FLET'SGroup Access service, the new wide-area enhancement means the ability to form groups that go beyond prefecture boundaries. Users of FLET'S access services will be able to form closed users' groups over a broad area.

(3) Expansion of FLET'SConnect service area
Expansion of the FLET'SConnect service area allows users of FLET'S access services located in different prefectures to enjoy multimedia communications with each other.

(4) Expansion of FLET'SOn Demand delivery area
Users of FLET'SOn Demand service will be able to accept content delivery over a wider area. Users outside the Tokyo area, for example, will be able to view a variety of content from providers located in the Tokyo area. For content providers, the enhanced service lets them reach customers more efficiently.

Figure 1: FLET'S Services

2. Rates
2. Rates

3. Available Service Areas
The wide-area service goes into effect initially in the following service areas.
Available service areas Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, and Saitama areas
NTT East plans to expand wide-area FLET'S throughout the entire service area early in fiscal 2003.
* Note that the service areas above may not correspond exactly in all cases to administrative districts.

4. Application and Start of Service
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
(Application using FLET'SSquare begins from 10:30 a.m.)

5. Where to Apply
See Attachment 3 for information on how to apply for individual services.

* Current users of FLET'SOffice wishing to continue using the FLET'SOffice service can do so without any application procedure.
* Current users of FLET'SGroup Access, FLET'SConnect, or FLET'SOn Demand will not be required to apply anew for these services as a result of the wide-area enhancement.

6. Inquiries about This Service
Inquiries about the services and procedures can be made using the form for this purpose on the Web site below.

NTT East official FLET'S Web site:

Attachment 1:  Conditions for Provision of FLET'S Office Wide
Attachment 2:  Service Description and Rates for FLET'SGroup Access, FLET'SConnect, and FLET'SOn Demand
Attachment 3:  Applying for FLET'S Services

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