(Reference 7)

Subscription Fees and Transfer Fees: An International Comparison

(Reference 7) Subscription Fees and Transfer Fees: An International Comparison
1. Exchange rate used: 1 USD = 110.89 yen, British Pound = 205.00 yen, 1 Euro = 135.20 yen (exchange rates as of June 1, 2004)
2. Rates used: U.S.A. = Verizon, New York; U.K. = BT; France = France-Telecom; Germany = Deutsch-Telecom
3. Subscription costs for NTT East/West include subscription fee and contract fee. Transfer fees comprise only the central office equipment changes.
4. For other companies, the subscription fee and the transfer fee are the same.
5. The home and business fees are the same for NTT East/West, France-Telecom, and Deutsch-Telecom.
