News Release

June 25, 2003

The New FLET'SADSL Service

NTT East Corporation currently offers three FLET'SADSL services: MORE, 8M Type, and 1.5M Type. However, to meet the needs of our customers for faster broadband connections, NTT East is now offering FLET'SADSL MORE II, with a maximum download speed1 of 24 Mbps. Today NTT East registered this service with the Minister of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications. Concurrent with the release of this product, NTT East will announce price reductions2 for the IP telephone-compatible router with built-in ADSL modem.

NTT East will continue to expand services and make them accessible to more customers to promote the development of a high-speed Internet access environment.

1.  The technology employed by NTT East is capable of download speeds up to 26 Mbps, but the maximum speed is being held to 24 Mbps to avoid interference with ham radio operators. This maximum speed is not guaranteed as there are several factors that may reduce it, including distance of the customer's house from the central office, line loss, and similar non-optimum conditions.
2.  New prices will also apply to the router with built-in ADSL modem compatible with the FLET'SADSL MORE II service.

I. FLET'SADSL Service Details

1. Service Description

FLET'SADSL MORE II is a "best effort" service that connects customers with their Internet service providers (ISPs).
Some of the highlights are
- Use of technology3 that conforms with the new international ADSL standards, ITU-T G.992.1 Amendment 1 Annex I /Annex C.
- Maximum download speed of approximately 24 Mbps, and maximum upload speed of 1 Mbps.
- Two simultaneous connections (same as other services).

This FLET'SADSL service is the top in its class.

3.  (a) Acceleration technology
1.  Double Spectrum: Connection speeds will be increased by expanding the download bandwidth from the current 1.1 MHz to 2.2 MHz.
2.  S = 1/4 Frame Processing: A maximum speed of 32 Mbps (theoretical value) is achieved by changing the value of S from 1/2 to 1/4.
(b) Ham Radio Station Interference
To prevent interference with ham radio stations, the 1.81 MHz to 2.00 MHz range of the DSL transmission spectrum is kept below -80 dBm/Hz.

2. Fees

(1) Monthly Fees

(1) Monthly Fees

A separate contract is required by ISPs or other services and are charged separately. Users who rent ADSL wiring on the premises will be charged an additional 60 yen per month.
The special rate plan for schools is not available for this service.

4. Customers using NTT East's MYLINE PLUS select carrier service who have registered for both local calls and intra-prefecture calls will receive a 10% discount on the FLET'SADSL monthly fee.
Only customers who meet the MYLINE PLUS set discount requirements on the first day of the service period qualify for this discount.
Customers who are not using ADSL with telephone service but who are registered with MYLINE PLUS through a telephone (either subscriber line or ISDN) under the same name and on the same premises as the ADSL service may only receive a combined bill for the FLET'SADSL service.
5. When renting an ADSL modem (including the IP telephone-compatible router with built-in ADSL modem).
6. Monthly subscriber line fees are charged separately. Subscriber line usage charges for use other than with this service are billed separately.

(2) Initial Fees
1. Contract fee  800 yen
2. Installation fees

(2) Initial Fees

The above fees are representative but may differ depending on installation requirements at the site.
If a link was not established after installation, the customer must notify NTT East within 20 days of the start of service. After verification of the problem by NTT East, the installation fees will be cancelled.

3. The Three-Month Free Campaign

New FLET'SADSL MORE II customers who sign up between the first day of service and August 31, 2003 will not have to pay the monthly usage fees, equipment usage fees, and ADSL premises wiring usage fees for up to 3 months from the start of service date.

(1) Application Period
Wednesday, June 25, 2003, at 3:00 p.m. to Sunday, August 31, 2003

(2) Discount Period
From the start of service date to the end of that month plus the two following calendar months. (A maximum of 3 months.)

(3) Qualified Customers
Customers who file new applications during the Application Period.

(4) Applicable Services and Equipment
The monthly usage fees, equipment usage fees, and ADSL premises wiring usage fees associated with this service.

(4) Applicable Services and Equipment

Customers converting from 1.5 M, 8 M, and MORE services do not qualify for this discount.
Customers must activate their FLET'SADSL MORE II service by Friday, October 31, 2003 to qualify for the discount.
Normal usage fees will be applied after the end of the campaign period, and at the same time, the equipment usage fees will apply if the customer is using ADSL premises wiring, an ADSL modem, or splitter on a rental basis.
The MYLINE PLUS set discount does not apply during the Discount Period.

4. Pre-application Date

Applications will be accepted from customers in the areas listed on the service area sheet (see attachment) starting at 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 25, 2003.

5. Start of Service Date and Service Area

Service will begin in July 2003 as spectrum management7 and other technical preparations allow.
Details will be released when they are available. See the attachment for the current service release schedule.

7. Spectrum management is the application of rules for frequency use on a metallic cable used by multiple transmission methods.The TTC is reviewing the current proposal on methods for all services.

II. Price Reduction for the IP telephone-compatible router with built-in ADSL modem

1. Lower Monthly Usage Fee

The rental fees for an IP telephone-compatible ADSL modem with internal router will be reduced.

1. Lower Monthly Usage Fee

Existing customers will automatically receive the new rate and need not re-apply. Customers applying for the FLET'S ADSL MORE II service who use an IP telephone-compatible router with built-in ADSL modem will receive the new rates on the start of service date.
The charges for IP telephone-compatible routers or adapters are not affected.
Before using IP telephone services, check with the ISP you will use and confirm that their service is compatible with this equipment.
Check with your ISP for details on IP telephone services, rates, and conditions.

2. Effective Date

The fee change will be effective with the release of FLET'SADSL MORE II starting in July 2003.

III. Customer Applications and Inquiries

1. Applications and inquiries by Internet
Web site:
This Web site also gives the following information:
Outline of the FLET'SADSL MORE II service
List of ISPs connected to the service (updated as required)
Details of the service area and news of service area expansion
(updated as required)

2. Applications and inquiries by phone
Dial "116".
(Business hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding the year-end and New Year holidays.)

- Attachment 
1.  FLET'SADSL MORE II Service Areas and Start of Service Dates
2. Customer Applications and Inquiries

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